Deep Metric Learning

We proposed Pentuple Loss and an improved Radial Loss in the domain of deep metric learning to learn an order-preserving fine-grained similarity metric. The loss exploits the concept of Quadlet Sampling to mine data where each training sample is a tuple of query f(q), positive f(p), intermediate f(i) and negative samples f(n). The loss maintains relative distance between samples of the quadlet in the embedding space such that for a given query sample (say of sub-class ‘S1’ in class ‘C1’), gradients of the loss move the negative samples (say, of class ‘C2’) away from class ‘C1’ containing other positive samples (sub-class ‘S1’ in class ‘C1’) and intermediate samples (sub-class ‘S2’ in class ‘C1’). The loss takes a step further and also achieves finer separation between samples of different sub-classes within a class. We demonstrated the performance of our loss in the tasks of query-based image retrieval and in the two novel tasks of video critical scene recognition and fine-grained video retrieval.

The research is motivated by the requirement in digital media where recognition of critical scenes in videos are required for smart placement of brand advertisements. Such critical scenes raise viewer anxiety and are a part of some parent activity. We distinguish them from the rest of the temporally overlapping video event using the similarity metric that learns the required representation of critical and non-critical scenes of a video clip.

Abhinav Jain
Abhinav Jain
Machine Learning Engineer

My research interests include computer vision, machine learning and deep reinforcement learning.
